The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength
eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and
we fly away. Psalm 90:10
The woman above is 93 years old! I haven't seen too many Zambians at this age simply because there are not that many that live that long.
She was having a lot of stomach pain and didn't feel like eating much. We shared with her and prayed for her during our visit. She shared with us that she was already a believer. Please pray for her as she walks through this bad stomach pain. Because of her pain and also her age she pretty much stays in this bed most of the time.
This little boy is 12 years old. Can you believe that? He looks much younger to me. Both his parents have died with TB and he and his sisters are staying with their aunt. This boy is also sick with TB and has started taking the medication for it. After I prayed for him he started crying. He was scared that he too was going to die like his parents did of TB. Please pray for him to really know God and realize that God is with him all the time even in sickness.