Thursday, October 28, 2010

What is Stateside Assignment?

Stateside Assignment is what used to be called "furlough."  So what do we do while we are in the states?  For the most part, we try to educate the local SBC church on our people groups and our work.  We visit churches and tell them about all that we do and challenge them to get involved by praying, giving, and going themselves.  Especially, during this time of the year we are traveling a lot and speaking in many churches to help promote the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.  You can check in my sidebar and click on Who was Lottie Moon if you do not know who she was and why we as Southern Baptists take up this offering.  Above is a recent picture of Kevin and I at a missions fair that we attended.  We set up a table with some things from Zambia and information about our work and then talked with people who were interested in hearing about what God is doing in our part of the world.
Another part of "stateside assignment" is that we have to get medical clearance to go back to Zambia.  So, we have lots of physicals to complete and make sure we are healthy.
Kevin also is still doing his job that he does in Zambia from here.  He is now in  more of an administrative position so he spends a lot of time on skype and by email with our missionaries.  He is also working on his PHD while we are here in the states so that is taking a lot of his time as well. 
Lastly, we get to enjoy spending time with family and friends whom we haven't seen in 4 1/2 years.  Perhaps the hardest thing about being a missionary is being separated from our families for so long.  What a blessing it is for us that we can have time with them for a while.  Of course, we also enjoy the comforts of living in America-eating out, shopping, fast internet, and having plenty of entertainment at our fingertips.
Do we miss Zambia??  You bet we do!!  But for now we will enjoy our time in the states until March when we go back.
Please pray for us that our time in the states would be fruitful, restful, and anything else that God wants it to be!
Also, you can check out in my sidebar under "Favorite Links" for other information about Lottie Moon and what the offering goes to support.

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