Saturday, December 27, 2008


Our family will be going in different directions over the next week so I would like to request prayer from whoever looks at my blog. Our traveling schedule is below with some prayer requests.

Dec. 27th Zach and Justin travel to Joburg. South Africa with a couple of other boys from Zambia. On the 28th they will go to MK Camp with all mk's 12 and up in our region. This is something that they look forward to all year. Pray for safety as they travel and as they are at camp. Pray that God would speak to them during this time and that they would grow closer to Him. Pray they would also have a great time with all their friends.

Dec. 30th Kevin will be traveling to the States to attend seminars for his PHD work at Southeastern Seminary. He will be staying with my parents and traveling back and forth each day to class. It is about a one hour drive from my parents home. Pray for safety as he travels back and forth each day. His classes start on the 2nd of Jan. so pray for a clear mind and plenty of rest in those first two days there. He will be arriving back here on the 22nd of Jan.

Jan. 5th Zach will be traveling back to Kenya to begin a new term at RVA. This will be a big term for him. He will be taking Drivers Education-yes, he is that big! He will also have his junior banquet which is kind of like a prom in the states. He will also go on his junior class trip. He had a lot to choose from and he chose a trip to the Mau Forest for a week. He will be learning from expert Kenyan hunters, the Massai, on how to survive in the Mau Forest. Pray for a great term of learning and fun.

Jan. 5th Justin, Hannah, and I will be traveling back to Chongwe from Joburg. Pray for safety as we travel. Pray also for a good term of homeschooling. Pray for us as we will be without Kevin until the 22nd.

Thank you so much for your prayers!

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