Thursday, August 20, 2009


Every week when I go to teach the women at Kamilulu Baptist Church there is a swarm of tumpunyunyu or gnats which fly around all of our heads. It's not just a couple of gnats but a swarm of gnats. Each week I tell myself that the next week I will apply some bug spray but I always forget as I walk out the door. While I'm teaching I am constantly waving my hand in front of my face to keep them out of my eyes. Well, today I remembered to put on some bug repellent before I left. I was so proud of myself. I even took it with me along with a can of doom, which is just bug spray. As we walked up the hill I immediately saw each woman with a swarm around their heads and swatting. I thought, "not me, today, I came prepared." Well, as soon as I sat down they descended on me as well. Keep in mind this isn't just some American woman complaining. All the other women are annoyed as well. Anyway, I ask if it is okay if I spray some doom and they agree. I go to get it and come back and have everyone move out of the way, and I precede to spray the mats we are sitting on and just out into the air. Hey, I know we are outside, but these tumpunyunyu have to be stopped. Well, as you may guess, doom did not work either. The women say they are there because of the heat but I just don't think that could be right because I don't have them at my house. I think it must be the tree we are sitting under. Perhaps I'll suggest moving next time to see. So during today's lesson I only got one up my nose and 3 in my eyes. Ha Ha!
Today I told the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch and Phillip, and taught on baptism. We have been missionaries here for years and still struggle with getting people to understand the need to not wait to be baptized for so long. A lot of times they will wait 1-2 years before allowing someone who has been saved to be baptized. As I asked them why they waited for so long they said they had to wait until the person quit sinning before they could be baptized. What?? I had to back way up and start at the beginning almost. They said they understood by the end but they probably really don't. They may understand what I say but they don't believe it for themselves. What it comes down to is they just don't understand God's Grace. Please pray for Zambians all over the country to understand the grace of God, the point of baptism, and that they would have the assurance of their salvation. How sad to live day in and day out and think that if you die with unconfessed sin you will go to Hell. I'm so thankful that once I repented of my sins and asked Jesus into my life that he freed me from the bondage of sin, and I was assured of going to Heaven when I die. I'll never be perfect here on this earth but thankfully God promises me that if I sin, He is faithful and just to forgive me of that sin when I ask. I really would appreciate your prayers on this matter.

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