Sunday, May 24, 2009
Bringing in the Harvest
Friday, May 22, 2009
They're outa here....
40/40 is all over and the bus rolled away yesterday taking the participants to the airport. It sure was an exceptional group of new missionaries. We are so proud of all they learned, endured, and overcame throughout this whole experience. We had fun together! It is always so hard for me to say bye to everyone. It is amazing how close you can feel to people just after spending 30 days together. Below are some last pics. of this group. Thank you all so much for praying for us all over this last month. Your prayers were heard and answered by our Gracious Heavenly Father. He is so good to us all the time! Please pray for all these new missionaries who are now going back to their places of service in Uganda, Sudan, Zambia, Malawi, Botswana, South Africa, Lesotho, Tanzania, and Kenya. Pray that they will take all that learned and now use it among their people groups that God has called them to work with. We are so excited and expectant of what God is going to do in and through them all.
The Warner Family were all wearing their 40/40 t-shirts on the last day so I just had to get their pic.
On our last night we had a brai(cookout) and then had an evening of fun with a talent show and awards ceremony. This group was filled with talent and had some very funny people in it. I laughed so hard! Above is Matt L., one of our staff, playing a song for us.
Our week at Ibis
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Zach's Birthday
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Ibis Gardens
I'll add some pics. later.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Mountain Climbing
One of Justin's favorite things to do is rock climbing. He isn't afraid of anything either. During each 40/40 Kevin and Justin try to find time to slip away and spend some time together doing something that Justin really enjoys. This time they were able to climb 3 different mountains. This will be Justin's last 40/40 because he will be going to RVA at the end of August. I can hardly imagine this program without Justin. He is a big help.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
After 24 days of experiential learning, the participants are then given the opportunity of a lifetime. They are sent to live with a Zambian family for 3 days. This is by far the most challenging and most rewarding part of the program. Their assignment is not to go there and try to teach them everything they know about
They all left for their homestays this past Friday. Please pray for them this weekend while they are going through this special experience. They return to camp Monday morning and will then board a bus and head to Ibis Gardens.
Some of the participants staying close enough to walk to their village is picked up by their homestay hosts. Here are some pics. of some of those traveling by foot.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Camp Life
On this day all the men went out to visit the chief. The chiefs wife and sister came to have tea with all the ladies. The District Commissioners wife came as well and shared a lesson with us and sang us a song. The women were able to ask them each questions to learn about culture and being the wife of someone in leadership. This is our group picture taken afterwards.
These ladies learned how to make tortillas. It's a lot of work but they sure tasted good.
Marci, Allisa, Shanna, and Jamie