Sunday, May 24, 2009

Bringing in the Harvest

It is harvest time here in Zambia. People all over are beginning to harvest their maize. Yesterday afternoon we went to help our friend Tito load our truck and bring it back to his home about 6kms from his field. They had all ready been working all day shucking the corn. We just had to load it in bags and then dump it in the truck. Then when we got back to his house we unloaded it on the ground. This week they will fill their chimpaka(granary) with it. Many peoples fields may have been ruined by not enough rain or too much rain. Pray that as the harvest comes in that it would be plentiful for everyone. Tito had 3 truckloads of maize which is better than he had last year, praise God!

Tito dumping in the bags of maize.

We filled it up higher than this, almost to the top, 3 times.

This pic. was taken back at Tito's house. Kevin got inside the truck and pushed out the maize and the kids helped too. They were so excited!

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