Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tribute to my Grandmother

People come and go in my life. Of course we love when they come into our life but always hate to see them go. Saying good-bye is never easy. At least on the mission field when they leave we have that feeling that we may see them again when we visit the states. However, when someone dies it just seems so final, knowing we won't see them again on this side of earth but as Christians we have the hope that we will meet again in Heaven. This past Thurs. night my last living grandparent passed away quite unexpectedly. She had been in the hospital for a few days but we had thought she would get better. By far the hardest thing about living on the mission field is being away from family when tragedy strikes in the lives of our loved ones or a death occurs. It is so difficult to be so far away and feel helpless to not be able to do anything. Please pray for me and my family as they bury my grandmother today.
I know my grandmother was proud of me because she told me so many times. Her words, cards, and prayers over the years mean the world to me. She was a great grandmother and I am so thankful that she belonged to me. I feel blessed to have been a part of her life. I will miss her very much. Here are some memories that I have of my grandmother.

Grandma gave me my first little sewing basket and I still have it to
this day. I keep all my needles and thread in it with lots of loose
buttons in the bottom of it. I never amounted to much of a seamstress
but every time I have to sew on a button or sew a name tag into
something I get out my basket and think of her.

I remember hot days and a nice cold glass of pink lemonade. I also
remember eating at my grandparents house and if she would make peas I
would just kind of scoot them around on my plate and not really eat
that many of them because I didn't like peas. When it was time to be
excused she would always say yes and I still got desert. I don't
think I was tricking anyone she was just a sweet grandma.

I remember rolling down the huge hills in her yard and getting so
dizzy because of it. Those hills don't look so big anymore, now that
I have grown up. Sitting out in the yard in the afternoon was
something we always did too. People don't do that much anymore. Then
going out to the garden and picking grapes and eating more than what
we put in our bucket.

Grandma and Granddaddy would always take me and my sister on trips
during the summer. We went to visit Montecello, Waltons Mountain, and
other such places. I would get so car sick sometimes riding on those
curves. Once, we arrived back to their home and I didn't feel so good.
My grandmother gave me some pepto with cream(to make it
taste better). Then almost immediately I threw up all over her quilt.
I felt so bad but she didn't fuss or anything she just cleaned it up.

1 comment:

James and Marci Langston said...

Thank you for sharing these special memories! We are lifting up your family during this time! Love you! Marci