After our time in Lusaka we shifted the whole group out to bush camp to the small rural town of Petauke. There wasn't any electricity, we had to pump our own water, and sleep in a tent but it was so much fun. The participants continued to do their DFA's each day and learn about culture. The children also continued to do their school work and go on field trips. Below are some pics. from the two weeks in bush camp.

Barb and Doug out in front of their tent.

Kevin during one of the sessions.

We took the kids to the market a couple of times so that they could compare a market in a city and in a rural area. We also enjoyed a coke and a frita.

These are the women who make the fritas and sell them in the market. This woman makes the best ones in all of Zambia in my opinion. A frita is kind of like a plain donut.

Out in front of one of the small shops in the market.

This woman in the market is selling kapenta(small dried fish).

This little boy will enjoy a treat. He is carrying some sugarcane.

Terri Lee serving tea to the Chiefs sister, Chiefs wife, and DC's wife. They came for a visit and a short program.

Our group of women with the chiefs wife, chiefs sister, and DC's wife.

A couple of afternoons the participants learn different skills to help them live in Africa. Above Sonya is helping in the kitchen. She put together the fruit salad for us all to enjoy at one of our meals. The women also learned how to make other recipes such as how to make their own tortillas.

David H. taught a group of the participants about vehicle maintenance plus a lot of other neat info.

A sweet little girl out in the village.

this is where the women took their showers each day.

One day we took the kids to a farm. They got to see lots of animals and even hold a lot of baby animals. Karis is holding a rabbit in this pic.

Olivia holding a rabbit.

Renee held up Logan so he could see the chickens up close.

KB and Kym both caught some chickens. How fun!!

Logan taking the kernels off the corn.

Hannah and Kylie taking the kernels off.

Kym holding a baby goat. Poor thing was making a lot of noise!

The kids got to ride on an oxcart.

Cara carrying a baby on her back Zambian style.




One day we took the kids to a local village so they could experience village life before they went on their homestay. KB met a little friend along the way.

the village we went to visit.

While in the village we got to visit with the headman.

The kids also got to pound groundnuts.

walking through the village.

Isn't she precious?

Heather, Cara, and Lauren

Doug T. led us in worship each day.

Several participants had the opportunity to try caterpillars!

Several days at the camp the participants rode in the back of this truck into the boma to do their DFA's(daily field assignment)

Breakfast time at camp.

