Friday, September 12, 2008

What's cooking?

As you know, we have been having a lot of power outages all over Zambia for the last year or so. It seems it always goes out when it is time to eat. So, we bought some propane burners a little while back that we can use to either grill or heat up something. However, I have not been able to bake anything until now. A few weeks ago we had Tito(our worker) knock out part of our grill so we could make an oven. For these last couple of weeks each time the power has gone off I have just happened to be finished cooking(which is unusual). Tonight however, it went off before I had finished. So, we cooked in our outdoor oven for the first time. We had an eggplant casserole. We discovered we have a few kinks to work out before the next time though.

Tito making a hole in our existing grill structure.

view from the outside

view from the inside

The finished product. Yum!

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