On Sunday, we went back to this church and had SS and a worship service. Daniel taught SS and Kevin preached.
After church we hung around and visited with the members. They were so excited because there were so many who came to visit the church that day. On Sat. we had 9 but on Sunday we had about 40. At the end of the service I experienced something that I have never seen before in Zambia. As they were announcing how many people were there and the offering amount that was given a young boy about 10 years old went up to the front and handed his offering to the man. He had come in late. Then all the others who had come in after the offering was collected also brought their money to the man to add to the main offering. Tears ran down my face as I saw God use this young boy. It was just like in the story Kevin had shared. Kevin preached on Jesus feeding the 5000 and how He took what that young boy had of 5 loaves of bread and two fish, blessed it, and then used it to feed all those people. I think most often when people come in late they just miss out on giving, maybe even a little relieved that they don't have to give on that day. It really blessed my heart to experience this in Zambia for the first time. I'm praying that these people will continue to give of their time and money and grow in their walks with the Lord.
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