Sunday, July 17, 2011

Church and Camp Set Up

 Today our volunteer team from Highland Baptist Church headed out east of Lusaka to the Chongwe area where we used to live.  We took 2 trucks plus the one I was driving which carried a few more people from the church to camp.

 Once we got off the main road it just took about 10 min. to get to the church and then another 45 min. to get to the camp.

 We visited Kanakantapa Baptist Church today as a group.  All the children got up and shared the bible verse they had learned in SS.  We heard from a couple of choirs which of course was really good.  Then Van Thompson who had also come with us preached the message.  

 After church we all file out of church and shake everyone's hands.  

 David, Kevin, Les, and Colin is in the above pic. shaking hands.

 The choir is also singing as they go through the line.

 Kanakantapa Baptist Church

 After church we walked to the pastor's home to have lunch.  

 Lindsay, Colin, Mason, and Krista waiting to start eating.

 Les, Jimmy, and Colin
Here you can see how the table was set up for us.

 Pastor Kamanga helped us to wash our hands by pouring water over them while we washed.  He is such a servant.

 Mason washing his hands.

 Amai Kamanga cooked chicken and rice for us.  It was delicious!

 After we finished eating we traveled about 45 more min. until we reached the place the team would be camping, showing the Jesus film, and ministering until Tues.

 As soon as we got there everyone jumped in and started unpacking and setting up the tents.

 These are the two ladies that will be cooking for the team this week.  Praise God for their sacrifice to come and stay with the team this week and cook.  This way the team can be busy out sharing their faith.

The kids and I had to leave before the camp was completely set up so this is the last pic. I took.  I left the camera with Kevin so hopefully he will take pics. this week.  Please continue to pray for the team as they minister among the Soli people this week.  

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