Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Memories!

 We had our big dinner Christmas Eve that way I did not have to cook at all on Christmas day.  Kevin baked the turkey and then I cooked all the other goodies.

 After dinner Kevin told us the Christmas story of the birth of Jesus.  I ready the book The Crippled Lamb by Max Lucado which makes me cry everytime!  Then we each opened one gift which is one of our Christmas traditions.


 I baked cinn. rolls for Christmas breakfast.  Sorry I didn't get a pic. of them after they were baked and iced.  I guess I was in too big of a hurry to eat one!

We went to church at Woodlands Baptist here in Lusaka.  There was a baby dedication, an anniversary celebration, we sang, Kevin preached, and had communion.  It was a beautiful Christmas service.  After church Justin took these pics. of me, Kevin, and Hannah.

 We opened presents and then enjoyed the afternoon.

 Unfortunately Zach was not able to be with us here in Zambia.  He spent Christmas with my family and then a couple of days later traveled to be with Kevin's family.  We are so thankful for him and we missed him being here with us so much!

 I thought I would include these two pics. too because while Kevin was in America for his graduation he and Zach were able to buy a new mailbox for my mom and dad and put it up for them.

 Justin got an ice cream maker which looks like a ball.  You put all the ingredients in and then shake, roll, toss, or kick it until it is done.

 Hannah was so excited to get this fancy diary with a lock.  

 Hannah in her new shirt, sunglasses, hat, and with a purse.

That afternoon Justin and Hannah tried out the ice cream maker.  Our dogs didn't know what to think about this red ball thing being kicked or tossed about.  The ice cream turned out good.
My sister had foot surgery a couple of days before Christmas so Zach drew this picture for her.  This is how he imagined her acting.  Not sure if you can tell or not but she has her foot up, her nails being polished, a diet coke within reach and she is ringing a bell in her other hand.  I feel sure it is pretty close to the truth!

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